Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Professional Project Review - Music Video

You Can Call Me Al

Paul Simon had a simplistic vision for this music video. He obviously didn't have a massive budget for this but still ended up creating a very unique film. Basically, Chevy Chase was acting as Paul Simon, singing the entirety of the song. Randomly, Paul would get up and grab different instruments while Chase continued to belt the tune.

Principles of Design/Analyze

The cinematography was probably the weakest part of this video. But who's to blame? The story flowed and the acting was certainly the strong suit. Lighting was very well done because all things on screen could be seen. The writing and planning was strong as well because the story clearly was natural and comedic in its own way. Direction in this music video was fantastic. The actors knew what they were doing and when to do it. 


The story, in a nutshell, was the comedic way that Chevy Chase was singing the song instead of Paul Simon. Simon would also bring out various instruments used throughout the song and implement them that way. It was told through a one shot, or close to one shot, video. Yet, many things were going on at once and having one shot didn't really hamper the video at all.


I would apply the amazing direction and unique story into my films. Lots of planning went into this beforehand and I need to work on my pre-production skills like in the video. One thing I've learned is the importance of something needing to be going on during a still shot like this. Because so much action was involved, it didn't need to have a ton of shots. 


The creator did well on all areas such as lighting, writing, directing, editing, and acting. It was entertaining, in my opinion, and kept the viewer engaged. Cinematography could be improved, though, because the shots were a little long even though Chevy was singing the entire time. Of course, this was back in the era and Paul didn't have a lot to work with.


Overall, this video was well made. Simon and Chase acted well and made this a fun video to watch. It had a simple yet interesting story, and I will apply these techniques to my own future projects. 

MLA Format: YouTube, YouTube, 16 June 2011,

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